Taganojo ONOE the third (尾上多賀之丞 (3代目))

Taganojo ONOE the third (Sep 21, 1889 - June 20, 1978) was a Kabuki actor who was popular around the World War II. His real name was Kisaburo HIGUCHI. His Haimyo (Kabuki actor's offstage name) was Baika. His trade name was Otowaya.

His uncle was a Kabuki actor, Kuzaemon ASAO. He made a debut in "Suzuki Mondo Uwasa Sinjuku" (Suzuki Mondo) under the stage name, Kisaburo ICHIKAWA at Tokyo Yotsuya Edo Sanza in 1891. In September 1911, he succeeded to the name, Kigan ICHIKAWA (the fifth) and became a chief actor.

He had been a top-billed actor in Koshibai until Kikugoro ONOE (the sixth) spotted his talent. Then he joined Kikugoro's troupe as a guest and played the role of Takigawa in "Amimoyo Toronokikukiri" (Kozaru Shichinosuke) at the Ichimura-za theater in 1921. He succeeded to the name, Taganojo ONOE (the third) when playing the role of Iroha Chaya Oroku in "Yakudoshi" at the Shinbashi Enbujo theater in 1927. In February 1978, he passed away after dancing "Kappore" in his 90th year.

He was notable as oyama (actor of female roles) of supporting roles. He played the roles of aikata (key supporting role) for three generations of Otowaya's star actors: Shoroku ONOE (the second), Baiko ONOE (the seventh), and Kikugoro ONOE (the seventh). He coached younger actors in his later years.
He made excellent performances in new works, Jidaimono (historical drama), and Sewamono (play dealing with the lives of ordinary people), by playing the roles of Oima in "Kurayamino Ushimatsu", Enju in "Hirakana Seisuiki Genta Kando," and widow Otsune in "Tsuyukosode Mukashi Hachijo" (Kamiyui Shinza.)

Above all, Osasuri Okane in "Mekuranagaya Umegakagatobi" (Kagatobi) was his most successful role. He added flair to the stage with his Edomae (Tokyo style) boldness and sex appeal even past his 80s.

In 1968, he was accredited as the holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property (Living National Treasure.)

[Original Japanese]